Data gathered from the current dental industry workforce indicates an oversupply of dentists throughout most regions within Canada.

Your probably wondering how does this directly affect me?

The problem doesn’t stop at the current oversupply data. The issue is much bigger than that. Data also suggests that the current supply will continue to “significantly outpace the population growth”. With that being said, dentists will be facing some major competitive challenges within the dental industry.  

According to the Ontario Dental Association (ODA), “the number of dentists in Ontario climbed faster than the population each year between 2002 and 2011”

In 2005, there were approx. 1,590 people per dentist in the province of Ontario. As of 2014, the ratio decreased to 1,510 persons per every dentist. That equates to a -5% decrease. This data also applies to all other provinces in Canada, all showing a decrease in patient to dentist ratio over the years due to the over crowded dentist market.

Dental Marketing

It’s Time to Start Planning and Doing it Right!

Next time you’re on the road, look to your right and then look to your left. Within just a few kilomoters you will notice a minimum of 10 dental clinics. So ask your self this question: why would patients choose me over any of these Dental Clinics? If you can’t answer your self immediately then you have a problem. And over the upcoming days/months and years you will find yourself falling behind, loosing your existing patients and then it will be too late to get back in the game.

The Key to Success in the Competitive Dental Industry

There is ONE special ingredient that drives your dental clinic just ONE. It’s “Patients”. May sound simple right? It’s not as simple as it seems.

Dental Marketing Strategy

Goes back to the question we asked earlier: WHY YOU?

You have probably heard of all of these terms before. But not how they relate back to how they can directly benefit you in the competitive Dental Industry.

The industry is moving away from traditional websites, traditional ways of exposing your clinic to the public. Patients know whose new and embracing technology and who is holding back onto the old ways of running their clinic.

Patients want offers/ads to come directly to them; they want you to follow them, to be on their minds when they need you. They need you to pop up on the first search pages, they want you available at all times, they want to be able to call you, chat online with you, they want to see interesting social posts, they want to find all the information they need on your website, they want to see you everywhere. When they can see that you have done all of the above, the trust is built. They will believe in your efforts and ability to attract them.

Don’t sit back and watch as other dentist take their first steps into an ever growing, vastly competitive filed.  

Dental Online Solutions

Take Action and Grow With Microswift

Microswift has over 20 years of collective experience within the marketing industry and focuses on the Dental Market to help those who want to transform their business model into the digital age and improve their businesses overall profitability.

With technology continuously changing it can be difficult to ensure everything is working optimally. Microswift is always available for a friendly discussion about different options and features required to improve your businesses processes.

Contact Microswift for a Free Consultation by Booking Online Now

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