Business Marketing: Social Media Posts You Need To Be Including In Your Content Plan

Microswift is known to create social media posts that are relevant, entertaining and branded. These are the three main ingredients to create a buzz online and in your market, however there are specific forms of content that can get you recognized across all platforms. In this article, marketing specialists have compiled a list of engaging social media content to help you beat the competition. With these ideas, you won’t have to worry about staring at a blank content calendar again!

Digital Marketing

Blog posts and articles

Do you want to share your skills and knowledge with the online community? Then focus on writing content for your business blog. You can make this fun and engaging too with questionnaires, quotes, pictures and even embedding video clips! This is how you can give your industry expertise and establish yourself as a credible source for consumers. Try to really focus in on specific content rather than always writing broad content because there are so many different blog articles out there. Thousands, if not, millions of other people could be writing about your topic as well and you want to stand out so people will click onto your blog rather than another one. So, really dive deep into your topic and take on a different approach. Remember that you should promote your new articles each and every time. You can display your articles on social posts, digital ads, and marketing emails.

Social Media Marketing

Business photos

It’s incredible what a great image can do. To consumers, when they see a well produced and high quality image from a brand or business, they are automatically intrigued. Images can increase engagement and clicks to your business pages, attracts audiences, and can be posted absolutely everywhere. Visual content is much more appealing than written content. According to Brain Rules, when people hear information they’re likely to remember only 10% of it three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that information, peopled retained 65% of the info three days later. That’s a big difference right there which is exactly why you need to include images everywhere— on your blog, social media, website, etc.


Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and now LinkedIn all offer the stories feature which means you can be posting promotional and informational stories on these platforms daily! The more active you are with stories, the better. What we personally love about stories is that they usually are on the shorter side which helps a whole lot with engagement. People’s attention spans now are next to nothing so it is important to have shorter videos when you are providing information to the public. You must make sure that they are always engaging as well! What exactly can you include on stories? You can update people on industry events, new business insights, offers, discounts and announcements; the opportunities are endless! Pro tip: high quality production should go into these stories, same goes for any video or photo content as well. The audio and visuals should be appealing to both you and your audience.

Business Social Media


Video content that our media production team produces offers value, stimulates conversation and blossoms our client’s online presence by optimizing the reach success rate of their message. You can tell your brand story in a visually appealing way with video, this kind of content will drive traffic to your site and increase sales. Video ad campaigns should be planned out properly in order to produce the best results. Marketing agencies know exactly what kind of video campaigns can capture the most attention and when to post/deliver these campaigns. The idea is to deliver these video ads at a time when a businesses target audience is most active online. Cisco projects that global internet traffic from videos will make up 82% of all consumer traffic by 2022. So, now is the time to get started!

Testimonials & reviews

Consumers trust other consumers opinions and experiences. This is why you need to include customer testimonials and reviews in your content plan. It doesn’t have to be hard to ask your customers for a review either, you can send out an email to them after they visited your business and remind them to submit a review on their experience or you can set up an automatic review option on your site! This kind of content is so valuable and you will come to realize that the community will appreciate your reviews and be tempted to visit your business.

Customer Reviews

With each passing day, more and more businesses are taking to social media to market their services. You need to beat this competition and make your own business stand right out! Take a look at our social media marketing service to get a better understanding of our targeted solutions.

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